Friday, January 9, 2009

Birthday Morning

Well everyone made it through the night, sans baby. Kristen didn't get a whole lot of sleep and poor Lindsey had to sleep on the floor because he was nice enough to let me have the couch. It's about 8am right now and Kristen and Lindsey are laying together in her bed resting. Nurse Debbie says that they will take the Cervidil out around 9 and then start her IV and administer the Pitocin.

Last night, family stopped in to visit Kristen and Lindsey. Baby Kingsley, you were visited by your Grandparents Beth and Dennis, Danny and Bobbie, Great Grandma Nanny, Great Aunt Sabrina, and Aunt Shelby even before you were born! Here's some pics of the visit.

Nanny and Grandpa Dennis watching Nance Grace

Aunt Shelby looking at the blog

The Bishop Family (Grandpa Dennis, Grandma Beth, Aunt Shelby and Daddy)

The Bishops

Grandpa Danny, Grandma Bobbie, and Mommy

Here's a couple pics of the happy family from last night.

So now it's just a waiting game for baby Kingsley to make his appearance. I believe some family will be arriving shortly and hopefully after they administer the IV, I will "update" with a confirmation that Kristen had dilated some.

Posted by Jennifer


Well it looks like little Kingsley doesn't quite want to make an apperance today. Kristen and Lindsey were sent home this morning to wait things out at home. If things don't happen naturally over the weekend, Kristen will be readmitted on Monday at 8pm for another round of Cervidil and then hopefully be induced on Tuesday morning. Lets pray that with enough walking around this weekend, that things will take course on their own and he will make an apperance over the weekend. The family was dissapointed of course, but at least Kristen was able to go get some food, she was STARVING! I will continue to update as necessary.

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