Thursday, February 2, 2012


A friend of Lindsey's that he works with just had twins and one of the twins, Dominic, is fighting for his life right now. He was diagnosed with a Coarctation of the Aorta and Patent Ductus Arterious after catching just a common cold. He ended up having heart surgery and as a result of the surgery he had a seizure and contracted a viral infection. Upon dealing with all that the docs found that he has a smaller airway than normal; there had been previous issues w/incubation. He was then also diagnosed with complete tracheal rings and some tracheal stenosis so he had to have another big surgery but that was going to delayed in order for him to heal from his previous surgery. Dominic was sent home but things took a turn for the worse and he contracted yet another virus. The infection landed him back in the hospital with respiratory distress. At this point the decision was made to have his 2nd surgery, a Slide Treacheoplasty and in order for him to heal from this surgery he had to be paralyzed. Well he had the surgery but wasn't healing as fast and as well as everyone hoped; turns out he contracted MRSA staph. At this point it's a waiting game. So please pray for this precious little man and his family and pass his story on please! Post it on your blog! Tweet it! Post it on your Facebook! E-mail it! Please!

Click on the link below to read Dominic's story or make a donation:

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