Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday Thoughts

  • Why do people think just b/c I have tattoos, multi-colored hair, & I dress a little different sometimes that's it's okay to just let it all out and cuss and say awful things in general conversation when you don't even know me??? I was getting my passport today and the guy assisting me was talking crap about the lady behind me in line saying she was a crazy bitch and that she comes in there all the time trying to get her daughter a passport and she brings different guys in w/her all the time trying to say that they're her father. She was of Asian descent and I guess didn't speak English very well and he was making fun of her for that as well; that she never understands him and he just has to end up sending her away. My eyes just got huge and I was speechless. I would never talk to a stranger that way no matter what they looked like. People are so judgmental.
  • Speaking of getting my passport. The Government is absolutely ridiculous. $110 for a passport book. $15 for the photo. $25 for a processing fee. I would've provided a photo but they made it very clear that they would rather take it for you b/c your head can't be too big, it can't be too small, it has to be perfectly centered and facing the camera exactly, your head can't be tilted slightly, the image can't be rotated, there can't be a glare on your glasses, the background has to be plain, the photo can't be too dark, the contrast can't be too high, it has to be the proper color, it can't be over or under exposed, there can't be shadows in the background or shadows on your face, it has to be the correct resolution, it has to focused properly, etc. And a $25 processing fee...I'll process it for you. I'll enter my own information. I'll file it for you. Again, ridiculous.
  • I'm sad that Amy Winehouse died. I loved her. Her music. Her quirkiness. Her bee hive. Her style. Such a tragedy to die at such a young age. I send much love and prayer to her family. Your children are not supposed to die before you.
  • Trey Canard... if you've broken your legs 3x this year already...maybe Motocross isn't the sport for you.
  • I love you Steak Finger Basket from DQ. I know, I know... I shouldn't be eating that. I had one for lunch today! I need to get back on track. I've been doing so good w/getting in shape for our vacay and this weekend totally blew it for me! I don't know why I did that. My bad.
  • Note to self: Make sure you put Elvis' shoes on the right foot so they don't rub his feet raw and give him blisters to the extent that he can't wear shoes.

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