I've decided to do the Special K Challenge to help whip myself into bikini shape for our upcoming trip. Nothing else has worked, so why not. I've tried P90X...couldn't hang. I've counted calories... lost track. I did the South Beach... quit after Phase 1...the hardest phase! I've done The Shred... got about half way thru. Got a gym membership... too intimidating. Started running... got thru the couch to 5k and quit... never actually did a 5k b/c I did it on a tread mill and when I tried to run outside I couldn't do it; totally different. I got up to 2 miles at the most outside. I walk a lot but it's too hot for outside activities right now. I don't know what my deal is. I'm surrounded by people w/great weight loss success stories who have attempted and finished all of the above. You would think I would be motivated by that or at least motivated by the fact that I feel like crap about myself and I'm uncomfortable in my own skin. Guess I gotta find what works best for me. I think it's the mental part that gets me tho. Hopefully this diet will stick. I started just yesterday and I will admit it was tough. A low calorie diet is always hard on me. I get headaches and I have no energy... at least for the first couple of days. In the Special K Challenge you replace 2 meals a day with your choice of any of the Special K cereals, protein shakes, or protein meal bars. For the 3rd meal you obviously eat sensible meal of your choice. You can have two Special K snacks consisting of protein snack bars, fruit crisps, crackers, & protein water mixes. You can also have as many servings as you want of fruit and vegetables. And then you drink beverages as you normally would.
So wish me luck. Hopefully I'll stick to this one. I think I'll incorporate The Shred whenever I can too.; maybe if I'm not putting so much pressure on myself to do it everyday it'll work out better especially since I'll be dieting too. Anyone else done the Special K?
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