Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I totally just want to hole up in a really cold, far away, nice and clean, dark hotel room right now. Anyone wanna donate to my cause before I have a mental breakdown? Let's see...the last time I was on here was Wednesday May 4th for a Wordless Wednesday post. Well, shortly after that things got a little hectic around here. I intended on posting a cute little Mother's Day post and possibly a weekend rewind, but that didn't happen b/c my Evil Knievel of a husband wrecked on his dirt bike. He was on a long straightaway...4th gear...wide open and cross rutted when he went over a huge jump and lost it. He punctured his lung, broke multiple ribs on his right side, bruised his heart and they thought he broke his femur and his pelvis but they were just badly sprained and bruised. So I spent my weekend, including Mother's Day, and the following Monday in the hospital. Hospital food sucks. I didn't get any sleep. I froze my ass off. But to be honest I didn't care about any of that, I just wanted Lindsey to be okay. I was by his side the entire time; he would've done the same for me. Monday was kind of scary b/c we were released and now I was going to have to take over and I had no clue how I was going to get this 230lb man that can't walk or barely move up our stairs. Well, we managed and for the rest of the week I was Mom, nurse, nanny, house keeper, etc. I didn't do so good on the house keeper part b/c our house is still in shambles. I don't think either of us have caught up on sleep yet and to top it off Kennedy's Dad & Stepmom had her new baby sister this week and she was supposed to go back to him but we offered to keep her longer so they could get situated and she is P.O.'d that she's not at her Daddy's. So she's been giving me extra hell this week which in turn is making Elvis intolerable as well. So everything's kind of out of wack right now and everyone's off their schedule. I totally just need a break or a vacation or someone to kidnap me or something. Please help. Sorry no pictures, I've been too frazzled. :(

1 comment:

  1. Hope everything is getting better!!!! Lunch or dinner this week?? T is gone.......
